Why Should We Ban Ranked Choice Voting? 

Promoting Fair Representation

Voters should have a choice to vote for candidate to represent them, Ranked Choice Voting removes the mandate “One Voter, One Vote” Under the Ranked Choice Voting System, some voters will get one vote, some two votes, some three votes, and some voters will not get a vote at all. We believe that all voters should be able to easily understand the election system and tabulation of the election should take hours or days, not weeks. Ranked Choice Voting did not accomplish what it set out to do, it disenfranchises voters and confuses people with the excessive complications and tabulations.

Increased Civility in Campaigns

Voters should have an opportunity to vote for one candidate from one political party, having an open primary and allowing multiple candidates into the General Election splits the vote and allows Fringe Candidates to Win elections that they otherwise would not have. Voters will become more disengaged by a more complicated and confusing system.

Purpose Of Political Parties

Allowing Voters registered as Independents, Democrats, Republicans, Libertarians, or Progressives, all voters should feel represented in elections. The creation of the Jungle Primary or Open Primary, creates an environment where voters are not represented, if voters do not have a foundation to get engaged and stay informed (e.g. Political Parties) then voters become more disengaged and they stop voting. The goals of Ranked Choice Voting are to create more engagement and the system receives a Failing Grade (Alaska had the lowest election turnout in a decade in 2022).

 Elderly, Disabled, English Second Language (ESL) Voters

Our Elderly, Disabled, and English as Second Language Voters are impacted negatively by Ranked Choice Voting. Ranked Choice Voting disenfranchises voters and makes it more complicated, takes longer to “Tabulate” Votes, is confusing, and hurts our most vulnerable in our communities. Ranked Choice Voting is an experiment, we need a simple and easily understood election system, not an experiment.