Americans for Faithful Elections is here to help Oregon


Our mission is to support and educate candidates, legislators, and voters that protect and improve the liberty of Oregon citizens. 

Our focus is:

Preserve our traditional election process and defeat attempts to implement Rank Choice Voting, Star Voting and other efforts that diminish voter confidence. 

Ensure that Oregon elections use same day voting with paper ballots counted in public that day. 

Pursue improvements to mail in and absentee balloting that include tightened qualifications and stricter auditing post election.

Include military and other remotely located citizens in all Oregon elections, including primaries and caucuses. 

Prevent non US citizens from voting in Oregon elections. 

Support continued use of verifiable voter ID in Oregon elections.

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 What Is Ranked Choice Voting

 Ranked-choice voting (RCV) is an election method that requires voters to rank candidates in order of preference (first choice, second choice, third choice, and so on). The candidate with the fewest votes is eliminated, (voters who voted only for this candidate have their votes exhausted), and voters who ranked that candidate as their first choice will have their votes count for their next choice. This process continues until a majority of the left over ballots tabulate a winner or a candidate won with more than 51% of the vote.

 NYC and DC

New York City’s Experience with Ranked Choice Voting

Why do the DC Democrats stand against Ranked Choice Voting?

Electronic Voting Machines & Out of State “Dark Money” Funding RCV

Ranked Choice Voting Requires Electronic Voting Machines

Out of State “Dark Money” Funding Ranked Choice Voting

Our Mission is to Educate Oregon

Oregon’s Future is in Our Hands